To: Anyone who still believes there is a “War on Christmas”
My Friend,
I haven’t heard from you in a long time, sorry I’m so bad at keeping in touch. Seem to be pretty busy these days, and not a whole lot of exciting news. Although a few weeks ago, we did have a break-in attempt during the middle of the night. I gave the burglar a world-class beat down with a 6-iron. As it turns out, it was just Uncle Milt getting up for a midnight pecan pie run. In my half-asleep state I forgot he was staying over for Thanksgiving. That’s OK, he probably deserved it anyway. Though it is quite a shame he can’t afford health insurance.

But I digress. The real reason I’m writing you is because I heard through the grapevine that you were ranting about the supposed war on Christmas again. Still got that Happy Holidays chip on your shoulder, eh? I’m sorry you still feel that way after all these years, but we’ve been through this before. Please just take a step back and think about what you’re saying for a minute.
Nobody is telling you that you can’t celebrate Christmas. More importantly, nobody is even saying that you shouldn’t celebrate Christmas…in any manner that you choose. By all mean…deck the halls, light your walls, and hang your Christmas tree balls. Put an inflatable infant Jesus in your lawn if you want. It is your right to celebrate Christmas, or any other religious holiday for that matter.
Living in a free country means you have the right to choose such things. In the First Amendment of our Constitution, freedom of religion is right up there with other basic liberties like free speech and freedom of the press. Don’t expect others to respect your constitutionally-protected right to celebrate Christmas, if you aren’t willing to respect their right not to.
Imagine your boy at school, and as he walks into the classroom the teacher greets him by shouting “Happy Ramadan”. They even have a little party to celebrate this religious observance, although without the snacks and goodies as they learn about the ritual of fasting. The teacher then reads a quick excerpt from the Qur’an as the party concludes, and class resumes.
It probably makes you mad just to imagine that scenario, though that is not my intent. Freedom of religion comes down to an individual choice, a right. Christmas isn’t any more of a school holiday than Ramadan is. It’s a religious holiday to be celebrated out of choice, not obligation.
Don’t you see? That’s what true freedom is! Not just choosing your own beliefs, but respecting the rights of others to do the very same.
It’s a fact that not everyone in this country is a Christian, and not everybody celebrates Christmas. Acknowledging that simple fact isn’t an attack on Christmas, it’s merely a sign of respect. Who cares if they call it Christmas break, winter holiday, or Festivus Restivus? You are given that time to celebrate as you choose. If simply hearing a phrase like “Happy Holidays” takes away from your enjoyment of Christmas, then maybe you should reconsider your perspective on freedom.
The best gift you can give during this season of giving…is that of respect. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Hmm, where have I heard that phrase before?
I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas, and I hope you find peace and understanding to keep and carry in your life. Take care, and keep in touch.
- B
p.s. Just wanted you to know I finally watched that Jeff Dunham comedian you are always raving about. Stereotypes on a stick…hilarious! Who knew that racially-biased puppets could be so funny?
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof…”
My Friend,
I haven’t heard from you in a long time, sorry I’m so bad at keeping in touch. Seem to be pretty busy these days, and not a whole lot of exciting news. Although a few weeks ago, we did have a break-in attempt during the middle of the night. I gave the burglar a world-class beat down with a 6-iron. As it turns out, it was just Uncle Milt getting up for a midnight pecan pie run. In my half-asleep state I forgot he was staying over for Thanksgiving. That’s OK, he probably deserved it anyway. Though it is quite a shame he can’t afford health insurance.
But I digress. The real reason I’m writing you is because I heard through the grapevine that you were ranting about the supposed war on Christmas again. Still got that Happy Holidays chip on your shoulder, eh? I’m sorry you still feel that way after all these years, but we’ve been through this before. Please just take a step back and think about what you’re saying for a minute.
Nobody is telling you that you can’t celebrate Christmas. More importantly, nobody is even saying that you shouldn’t celebrate Christmas…in any manner that you choose. By all mean…deck the halls, light your walls, and hang your Christmas tree balls. Put an inflatable infant Jesus in your lawn if you want. It is your right to celebrate Christmas, or any other religious holiday for that matter.
Living in a free country means you have the right to choose such things. In the First Amendment of our Constitution, freedom of religion is right up there with other basic liberties like free speech and freedom of the press. Don’t expect others to respect your constitutionally-protected right to celebrate Christmas, if you aren’t willing to respect their right not to.
Imagine your boy at school, and as he walks into the classroom the teacher greets him by shouting “Happy Ramadan”. They even have a little party to celebrate this religious observance, although without the snacks and goodies as they learn about the ritual of fasting. The teacher then reads a quick excerpt from the Qur’an as the party concludes, and class resumes.
It probably makes you mad just to imagine that scenario, though that is not my intent. Freedom of religion comes down to an individual choice, a right. Christmas isn’t any more of a school holiday than Ramadan is. It’s a religious holiday to be celebrated out of choice, not obligation.
Don’t you see? That’s what true freedom is! Not just choosing your own beliefs, but respecting the rights of others to do the very same.
It’s a fact that not everyone in this country is a Christian, and not everybody celebrates Christmas. Acknowledging that simple fact isn’t an attack on Christmas, it’s merely a sign of respect. Who cares if they call it Christmas break, winter holiday, or Festivus Restivus? You are given that time to celebrate as you choose. If simply hearing a phrase like “Happy Holidays” takes away from your enjoyment of Christmas, then maybe you should reconsider your perspective on freedom.
The best gift you can give during this season of giving…is that of respect. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Hmm, where have I heard that phrase before?
I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas, and I hope you find peace and understanding to keep and carry in your life. Take care, and keep in touch.
- B
p.s. Just wanted you to know I finally watched that Jeff Dunham comedian you are always raving about. Stereotypes on a stick…hilarious! Who knew that racially-biased puppets could be so funny?
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof…”
I've come to the realization that some people are just unhappy ass holes that are looking for even the smallest thing so they can get some attention. Like kids, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad attention as long as they are able to spew their craptastic views with the rest of the people in line at Wal Mart.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't care less if Charlie Brown says "Merry Xmas" "Happy Holidays" "Jews are the Devil" or if my neighbor has an inflatable nativity scene, or a statue of Tiger Woods in a Santa hat to attract cocktail waitress.
And uncle Milt deserved that Ms. Tiger style beat down. For all of those uncomfortable hugs......eewwww.
I've seen a couple of minutes of Jeff Dunham, he figured out a way to work racism into his act. Nobody can be mad a a puppet. Or is it that no one in his audience can figure out that they are puppets?
I think you hit it right on the money. Some people are just unhappy no matter what. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a well-crafted angry long as there is at least a little logic behind it.
ReplyDeleteTiger Woods Santa statue...interesting. He may need some innovative product ideas if his sponsors keep dropping him. He'll be signing autographs in truck stops before you know it.
I know way too many people who love Jeff Dunham. I guess the bias is supposed to be OK because it's a light-hearted muppet character. To each his own, I guess. But Fozzi the Fascist and Kermit the Klansman isn't really my cup of tea.
He should go for the condom endorsement while he's still relevant.
ReplyDelete"Hi I'm Tiger Woods. If the Monster Condom can keep me disease free after all the cocktail waitresses I've been with, then you'll have no worries. Even at the truck stops in Chillicothe you'll be able to get jiggy with your choice of lovely ladies"
T.W. Brand Jiggy Jackets
ReplyDelete"Should you go for it? A Tiger Wood."
Merry Christmas Shooter!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to you as well, Norcal. And just in case, Happy Festivus too.
ReplyDeleteWell said, Shooter. What the Becks and O'Reilly's of this country want is not religious tolerance but a Christian dictatorship. If they had the means to homogenize the country with white pro-capitalism Christians, they would.
ReplyDeleteThe "War on Christmas" is xenophobia at its finest.
True, Bill. Goes back to that irrational fear of any and all things that are different. Xenophobia, indeed.
ReplyDeleteXenaphobia, on the other hand, is the completely rational fear that Lucy Lawless will hunt you down like a mangy dog and make you servant to the great warrior princess.
I wonder if any of the talk radio douche bags had to take a religion course in college? Oh wait, I'm pretty sure Glen Beck never made it through college, and he may have dropped out of high school. Like Beck I'm to lazy to verify my story, can't let a little thing like the truth get in the way of a good scare tactic.
ReplyDeleteWhere does the line form to be beaten by that Australian she-devil. Not to be confused with the Jew-Devil.
Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteFYI: I've changed the Real Sports Bloggers link in my blog's header to Blogspot. It will link those interested durectly to your blog. This appears to be the best way to also link them to Miracle, Smoke, et al.
ReplyDeleteThanks, MeanD. And Merry Christmas to you as well...
ReplyDeleteShooterB...Merry Christmas. As much as I agree with you, I also disagree with you. Having spent some time in countries that are not Christian Nations, I have sat on the other side of that fence. Never did having my religion or beliefes silenced did it also stop me from the celebration of Christmas.
ReplyDeleteI will avoid my long drawn out debate from the other side of the aisle and just say that I pray for every human being to know God. Merry Christmas Shooter my friend.
Hey, FP. Merry belated Christmas to you as well. I suppose we can just pretend that we had a long drawn out and insightful debate over this one. If I ever get off my ass and write another blog, feel free to drop by and disagree anytime.
ReplyDeleteI see by the link maybe you have a new blogging home. Off to check it out.