Sunday, December 13, 2009

Crusade Against Christmas?

To: Anyone who still believes there is a “War on Christmas”

My Friend,

I haven’t heard from you in a long time, sorry I’m so bad at keeping in touch. Seem to be pretty busy these days, and not a whole lot of exciting news. Although a few weeks ago, we did have a break-in attempt during the middle of the night. I gave the burglar a world-class beat down with a 6-iron. As it turns out, it was just Uncle Milt getting up for a midnight pecan pie run. In my half-asleep state I forgot he was staying over for Thanksgiving. That’s OK, he probably deserved it anyway. Though it is quite a shame he can’t afford health insurance.

But I digress. The real reason I’m writing you is because I heard through the grapevine that you were ranting about the supposed war on Christmas again. Still got that Happy Holidays chip on your shoulder, eh? I’m sorry you still feel that way after all these years, but we’ve been through this before. Please just take a step back and think about what you’re saying for a minute.

Nobody is telling you that you can’t celebrate Christmas. More importantly, nobody is even saying that you shouldn’t celebrate Christmas…in any manner that you choose. By all mean…deck the halls, light your walls, and hang your Christmas tree balls. Put an inflatable infant Jesus in your lawn if you want. It is your right to celebrate Christmas, or any other religious holiday for that matter.

Living in a free country means you have the right to choose such things. In the First Amendment of our Constitution, freedom of religion is right up there with other basic liberties like free speech and freedom of the press. Don’t expect others to respect your constitutionally-protected right to celebrate Christmas, if you aren’t willing to respect their right not to.

Imagine your boy at school, and as he walks into the classroom the teacher greets him by shouting “Happy Ramadan”. They even have a little party to celebrate this religious observance, although without the snacks and goodies as they learn about the ritual of fasting. The teacher then reads a quick excerpt from the Qur’an as the party concludes, and class resumes.

It probably makes you mad just to imagine that scenario, though that is not my intent. Freedom of religion comes down to an individual choice, a right. Christmas isn’t any more of a school holiday than Ramadan is. It’s a religious holiday to be celebrated out of choice, not obligation.

Don’t you see? That’s what true freedom is! Not just choosing your own beliefs, but respecting the rights of others to do the very same.

It’s a fact that not everyone in this country is a Christian, and not everybody celebrates Christmas. Acknowledging that simple fact isn’t an attack on Christmas, it’s merely a sign of respect. Who cares if they call it Christmas break, winter holiday, or Festivus Restivus? You are given that time to celebrate as you choose. If simply hearing a phrase like “Happy Holidays” takes away from your enjoyment of Christmas, then maybe you should reconsider your perspective on freedom.

The best gift you can give during this season of giving…is that of respect. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Hmm, where have I heard that phrase before?

I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas, and I hope you find peace and understanding to keep and carry in your life. Take care, and keep in touch.


- B

p.s. Just wanted you to know I finally watched that Jeff Dunham comedian you are always raving about. Stereotypes on a stick…hilarious! Who knew that racially-biased puppets could be so funny?

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof…”

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Moving Day

Writing can be a hobby, or a passion. I’ve found it to be both. Writing is expression, perhaps in its truest form.

I was introduced to the concept of blogging about 4 years ago, and haven’t stopped since. For me, it’s the on again-off again relationship that stands the test of time. The good ole’ blogosphere is always there whenever the urge to write strikes. The network of friends, the discussion, the feedback…well, that’s just a bonus.

Searching for a place to blog is not much different than finding a new apartment, just without the U-Haul and security deposit. But you find a place that works, at least until it’s time to move again.

And that’s me, here in my new blog of an apartment. Can’t beat the rent, and so far the neighbors aren’t too noisy.

I have no idea how much time I’ll be spending here, or how long I’ll stay. But I’m reserving the space to write about anything that sparks my interest, at a frequency yet to be determined.

Here’s to moving…blog on!