But this forward is a little different, and caught my attention. From what I can tell, it is a photo of a real billboard taken in an area not far from where I grew up. Coincidentally, right smack dab in the middle of where the movie Swing Vote was set. I’m not sure if the billboard is still up today, but I’m guessing the picture was taken sometime last year before the November mid-term elections.
Before I get started, let me just say that the criticism of Obama isn’t at all what bothers me…because there is an intelligent discussion to be had there. My point is that as long as people continue to base their political opinions on mindless rhetoric instead of fact…an intelligent public discussion will never be possible. And that’s what bothers me about a message like this.
I found the billboard fascinating because it is hysterically wrong on so many levels. So tell me, what’s wrong with this picture?
(Image description: Billboard featuring the famous Obama campaign poster, modified with the word “NOPE” underneath. The billboard reads – So now we know…”change” = more debt, more taxes, more welfare, more regulation, more government, more wasteful spending, more corruption.)
Let’s start with the obvious. It’s an anti-government/anti-Democratic message straight from the heart of rural America. A small town economy that relies on government subsidies for farms, dairies, and the railroad. A community that a few years ago fought against the closure of its local Air Force Base, which now serves as a Special Operations Wing. Public schools, and a community college supported by local, state, and federal funds. This area doesn’t just need government, it absolutely depends on it. Somehow, I don’t think the overarching conservative call for smaller government fits here.
“Change = More Taxes” – Excuse me, but didn’t Obama just extend the bullshit Bush era tax cuts as part of a Republican
“More Debt” – It’s hypocritical to claim anger over the rising national debt, but at the same time support tax cuts for everyone. Even using redneck ‘rithmetic, less tax revenue does not equal less debt.
“More Welfare” – Just more narrow-minded rhetoric based on the notion that all welfare programs serve only lazy unemployed system-suckers that don’t deserve to live. If you want to attack welfare, at least give each program its due discussion. It’s tragically ironic that while the wealth gap in America is at an all-time high, some people still think of welfare as a 4-letter word. When Bush extended unemployment benefits (aka – welfare), it was the right thing to do. When Obama did it, it was socialism. Go figure…
“More Regulation” – What specific area of regulation is being opposed here? Regulation of Wall Street? The oil industry and off-shore drilling? The FAA? Gun laws? Cousin-kissing? Sleep with sheep statutes?
Also, the background of the billboard couldn’t be more symbolically perfect. First, you have a bunch of boxcars…representative of how important the government-subsidized railway is to the local community and economy. Then you have a semi-truck & trailer, representing the trucking industry. An industry which, of course, relies on public roads, but is also particularly vital to this community due to the shipping needs of area farms and dairies. In the distance, you have the wide open spaces of the Great Plains…full of farms and ranches that likely wouldn’t be sustainable without government subsidies, tax incentives, etc.
What you can’t see even further in the distance of those Great Plains is a plethora of wind turbines, which not only are supported by government subsidy…but have been lucrative for local land owners and have brought additional jobs to the area. Oh yeah, and they also create a little bit of that renewable energy thing that hippy tree-huggers are always whining about.
Anti-government, my ass!
Forward Thinking
I wish I could say that a misguided message like this is uncommon, but I’ve heard something similar far too often from voices in the community, media, and throughout the country. I know way too many people that vote on slogans, speeches, and rhetoric…while overlooking their own causes and interests. There is most definitely something wrong with this picture.
Sometimes the political battle in this country isn’t Democrats versus Republicans…it’s fact versus fiction.